Page 66 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 66


            A woman for all seasons

                 Dr Muki Moeng, Deputy               oung  Muki’s  first  teaching
                Vice-Chancellor: Learning     Y      tools were an old car bonnet
                   and Teaching is Nelson            and a piece of charcoal.
                                                        After class, to mitigate
               Mandela University’s most      the  effects  of  disrupted  education
                    senior alumna. A true     during the height of apartheid, the
                servant leader, her love of   Graaff-Reinet teenager started study
               education and compassion       groups, helping friends to revise their
                       for humanity are a     schoolwork.
                                                 At 15, the outspoken Congress
                  powerful combination –      of  South  African  Students  (COSAS)
                   and her story is one of    member spent two months in jail.
                unparalleled achievement      During the turbulent 1980s, many
                         against all odds.    student activists missed class – she
                                              and her peers repeated Grade 8
                 By Beth Cooper Howell        three times.
                                                 Ironically, the architects of black
                                              education failed to break her spirit.
                                              Instead, they achieved the opposite.
                                                 Dr Muki Moeng, Deputy Vice-
                                              Chancellor: Learning and Teaching at
                                              Nelson Mandela University, holds a
                                              Doctorate in Education and decades
                                              of dedication to a love of learning.
                                                 Years  later, she  would beat  the

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