Page 64 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 64


            19       sporting codes and clubs
                     available to students at
                     Mandela University

            Water Polo Star

            Dives into Pharmacy Career

             By Gillian McAinsh

                     ne of Ash Vaughan’s most   to flight delays back from Japan.  “You can ask any pharmacy
                     memorable    moments        The South African  water polo   student, it is so terrifying! It’s the
                     was  competing  as  part   player,  and  coach,  now  24,  finished   most pressurising way of being tested
            Oof  the  first  South  African   her degree at the end of 2022 and   because you can’t sit and think about
            women’s water polo team to take part   graduated in April 2023.     it, you have to answer the question
            in the Olympic Games.                “University  definitely  taught  me   and move on to the next.”
               The Nelson Mandela University   how to manage my stress, and how to   While still in Japan, she heard she
            pharmacy graduate also will forever   prioritise things – and my degree was   had passed and there was only the
            remember the games, held in Tokyo   always number one,” she says.   oral still to tackle.
            in July and August 2021, for another   She  got  the  call  for  the  Olympic   “I was to do my oral exam the day
            more academic reason.             Games in her third year.          after we were supposed to land but
               They were slap bang in the middle   “Basically, I had to write all my   all flights got delayed on the way back
            of her third year of pharmacy studies,   exams before I left, except for one   from Tokyo,” she recalls.
            and she nearly missed a key exam due   oral which is very stressful.   “Everyone else could relax for a

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