Page 67 - Thetha Issue 7
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                                              mater, Nelson Mandela University in   the socio-economic backfoot.
                                              2015, initially as Executive Dean of the   “Universities will have to invest
                                              Faculty of Education and now DVC:   more in student academic support
                                              Learning and Teaching from 1 June   and development.”
                                              this year.
                                                                                It takes a village
                                              Weighty wish list                 As a mother of three, Dr Moeng
                                              Dr Moeng has translated her own   values the role adult guidance plays
                                              educational experience into a set of   in the lives of children, and feels
                                              progressive,  ambitious  goals  for  her   that  they  need  more  definitive,
                                              Mandela University students.      committed  help  to  map  their  goals
                                                 “We want students to graduate   and career pathways.
                                              with attributes that prepare them for   One  solution  is  better  career
                                              the  world  of  work,  jobs  that  do  not   counselling from a younger age.
                                              exist and life in general.        “We’d  like  to  see  it  introduced  in
                                                 “Our   students   face   myriad   Grade 7, giving children a better
                                              complexities: climate change, artificial   foundation and understanding of
                                              intelligence,  political  uncertainty  what’s available to them.
                                              and human  strife. They  need critical   “It’s amazing how we ask children
                                              thinking skills to help them interpret a   in Grade R, and in their formative
                                              new and unimagined world.”        years, what they would like to become
                                                 The  impact  of  COVID-19  is  still   when they grow up – and then leave
                                              keenly felt across the higher education   it there.”
                                              space – and this is a particular focus.
                                                 “There’s been uneven preparation   A woman of substance
                                              of learners because of societal   As she breaks in her mantle of
                                              inequalities; the pandemic deepened   leadership, Dr Moeng is carving
                                              and exposed this.                 space for a passionate goal: drawing
                                                 “Even though online learning   more women into STEM education.
            odds again, surviving breast cancer   tried to bridge that gap, the perennial   “Research has shown how women
            following a shock diagnosis in    problems  of  connectivity  and   are likely to be more humane in
            March 2020.                       loadshedding have made matters    their approach and how they tend
               But, like her mentor mother, a   worse, especially for those already on   to go back to their communities and
            domestic worker-turned-entrepreneur,                                develop others.
            she has always dusted herself off,   Online education:                “Can  you imagine  what  it would
            choosing determination over defeat.                                 mean if we had more scientists who
                                                striking a balance              understand what it means to improve
            A will to win                       Dr Moeng and her team focus     the human condition in its totality?
            Dr  Moeng  became  the  first  person   on putting students first, which   “If you teach a girl child, you teach
            in her family to attend university,   means confronting stumbling   and develop a nation.”
            graduating with a BA degree and     blocks in higher education’s      Her own journey has moulded an
            teaching diploma.                   biggest chestnut in a post-     instinct for servant leadership, and she
               “I always wanted to teach.       COVID world: online education.  is comfortable sharing her life battles
            Surrounded by passionate teachers,     “An   element   of   online   if they inspire people – particularly
            I felt safe, loved, heard, and excited   learning is here to stay and we   women – to greater heights.
            at school.                          have  to  prepare  ourselves  and   “When  I  was  diagnosed with
               “I’d come back from class and    our students to fully engage with   breast cancer, I had a lumpectomy,
            teach my friends what I had been    it.                             went through chemotherapy and
            taught. I used an old car bonnet as my   “But our country’s history has   radiation. I lost my hair and gained a
            blackboard and charcoal from burned   resulted in an unequal society, so   lot of weight.
            wood as my chalk.”                  our students face challenges in   “That whole experience gave me a
               Dr Moeng received a scholarship   accessing technology, data and   different perspective on life: we must
            to study at St Cloud State University   devices that support learning.  do  our  best with  every opportunity
            in the US, completing an MSc in        “We  have  to  be  careful  not   that we get, be courageous and lead
            Curriculum and Instruction. This led to   to create other inequalities when   with humility.”
            a lifelong career in higher education:   responding  to  the  immediate   Depending on each other for the
            first  as  a  junior  lecturer  at  the-then   need  of  connectivity  and  online   greater good, she says, is always the
            UPE, a move to North West University   learning.”                   best disposition to have.
            and  then  back  home  to  her  alma

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