Page 65 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 65


                                                                               20 MINUTES
                                                                            is (roughly) how long it takes to walk from
                                                                              South Campus to the nearest beach

                                              though,” she says. “Sport allowed me   When she is not in the pool,
                                              to de-stress, and it was a good way of   you  might  find  Ash  surfing,  running
                                              taking my mind off things.”       or gymming.
                                                 She is also grateful for her support   “You don’t have to miss out on the
                                              system who helped by making food   fun times just because you want to be
                                              and motivating her to learn.      the best of the best, but you do have
                                                 Taking it to the topCompeting   to put in the time.
                                              at  the  Tokyo  Olympic  Games  was   “Just train as hard as you can and
                                              “absolutely amazing”, says Ash.   balance it with life. Don’t miss out on
                                                 “Lots of people tell you about the   a party or going to the beach, live
                                              cafeteria and that they can get their   your life at the same time.”
                                              hair or nails done but my favourite part   She  has  good  memories  of  her
                                              was just being able to play against the   time on campus in Summerstrand:
                                              best of the best in the world.    “I’m  very honoured  to  be  a  Nelson
                                                 “It is such a privilege and    Mandela  University  alumnus,  I
                                              an honour.                        wouldn’t  have  chosen  another
                                                                                university to graduate from.”

            bit but I had to study straight away
            for the next day. And then, due to the                                  Ash  first  studied  Sports
            flights being delayed, I thought I was                                Science before switching to
            going to miss it.                    “Just because                    pharmacy.
               “I tried to email my lecturer but                                    “In my first year out of school
            she wasn’t getting back to me and I   I’m studying                    I actually went to Stellenbosch
            was panicking. I was crying.                                          University  and  studied  BSc
               “I called Melinda Goosen, our     doesn’t mean I                   Sport  Science,  but  I  just  felt  it
            Madibaz Sports manager, and she      can’t do sport                   wasn’t for me. As much as I love
            picked up.                                                            sports, and the options coming
               “I said, ‘listen, Melinda, I’m still   competitively.”             out  of  sports  science,  it  just
            in Johannesburg, I’ve been delayed                                    wasn’t what I wanted to do with
            but I’m supposed to write my exam.                                    the rest of my life. Pharmacy,
            Is there any way you can please                                       however, was always something
            contact someone in the pharmacy                                       that I had thought about.”
            department to let them know that I’m                                    Today, she says she is loving
            not in PE and I can’t do it, please give   “Even through the stakes were   her  first  post  as  an  intern  at
            me 24 more hours.’                quite  high  against  us,  I  loved  every   Berea Pharmacy in East London,
               “Fortunately, she worked her   second, it just felt so good to be in   one  of  the  country’s  busiest
            magic and was able to push it out by   the water.”                    dispensing chemists.
            24 hours so that I could write it.   Although South Africa is the       “I  would  110%  still  choose
               “You  can  only  imagine,  you  go   strongest country in Africa for the   to  do  pharmacy  but  the  first
            through a lot mentally and physically   sport, the international competition   week or two at Berea I was
            at  the  Olympics  and  your  emotions   in Tokyo was next level, she says.   absolutely  terrified.  I  had  no
            are drained because you are on one   Her  water  polo-playing  father   work  experience  whatsoever
            of the biggest sporting stages in   introduced her to the sport: Ash   and  it’s  such  a  fast  paced
            the world.                        played  for  her  first  team  at  the  age   environment  (it’s  in  the  top  10
               “I was exhausted. I could not think   of 13, in Grade Seven, and went   dispensing  retail  pharmacies  in
            of doing an exam but it was what I had   on to shine in the pool at Pearson   South Africa),” she says.
            to do, I had to push through it.”  High School.                         “Now, I love it so much. It’s
               Time management was essential     “Make goals and stick to them    the exact environment that I see
            due to the demands of playing sport   but,  do it  for  the passion,” she   myself  working  in,  I’ve  made
            competitively  and  studying  at  the   advises other young athletes. “Don’t   some friends and I couldn’t think
            same time.                        do it because someone else is telling   of a better place to have started
               “Just because I’m studying doesn’t   you because then you’ll lose your   my working career.”
            mean I can’t do sport competitively,   motivation for it over the years.”

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