Page 32 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 32


                            Empowering Muslim

                            Women to Succeed

              nclusion,  diversity and  equity  are  only  a   rather than on career success.
              few of the issues tackled in Dr Nuraan     “So much so that I received
              Agherdien’s PhD research on Muslim women   feedback from participants saying,
           Iin the workplace – but understanding their   ‘finally’, ‘it’s about time’ and ‘more
            importance is part of helping these women   studies should be done on this’ – to
            to succeed.                               mention a few,” she says.
               Dr Agherdien graduated with a doctorate in   “I am a strong, proud, practising
            Human Resources Management (HRM) at Nelson   Muslim woman. This has been a journey
            Mandela University in April this year. Faculty of   of self-discovery and through this, my beliefs   Dr Nuraan Agherdien
            Business  and Economic  Sciences Deputy  Dean   have only been strengthened,” she says.
            Professor Michelle Mey was her supervisor.   The Quraan, Sunnahs, Pillars of Islam, Shari’ah
               Dr Agherdien, who leads the HRM        and Hadeeths provide Muslims with guidelines
            Department in the faculty, investigated barriers   and laws on how to live, Agherdien notes.
            that Muslim women face in the world of work, as   “And,  yes, inclusion is  also about catering
            well as interventions to enhance their success.   for Muslims. For example, some Muslim women
               Her study revealed that Muslim women   stopped attending functions, not because they
            valued a commitment from top management   did not want to network but because they were
            towards their career trajectories and creating   not catered for.
            opportunities to flourish.                   “Inclusion is creating the space where one
               She found that this was more significant than   feels  valued  and  part  of  something,  with  a
            the actual interventions such as professional   supportive, open, transparent,  gender-neutral
            development, education and training, mentoring   culture to allow individuals to fully integrate within
            and coaching, promotion and inclusivity.   their organisations.”
               She says that there were many misconceptions   Agherdien  proposed  a  model  any
            and  stereotypes  around  Muslim  women   organisation can use to create this kind of
            regarding gender roles and expectations. In   inclusive environment, and her  study contributes
            addition, current studies on Muslim women often   to  the  scarcity of research in this field in South
            focused on areas such as the hijab, or headscarf,   Africa and abroad.

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