Page 51 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 51


                                                                                      Original George Campus built by
                                                                                  Department of Agriculture to train foresters

                                                                                From left: Semi mechanised planting –
                                                                                tractor-towed-pitting with people planting
                                                                                in the rear. Dr Ramantswana alongside a
                                                                                planting machine in Sweden
                                                                                semi-mechanised and mechanised
                                                                                operations in our country.”
                                                                                  To advance modern silviculture
                                                                                technologies, his team is working with
                                                                                Professor Saulo Guerra from UNESP,
                                                                                who also represents IPEF (Instituto de
                                                                                Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais) –    a
                                                                                Brazilian institute for the development
                                                                                of cooperative studies and research in
                                                                                forest plantations.
                                                                                  “In 2018 I spent time in Brazil
                                                                                with  Prof  Guerra  and  he  recently
                                                                                visited us on the George Campus
                                                                                in June 2023. We started with a
                                                                                student exchange in 2018 and we
                                                                                are  building  on  this.  We  collaborate
                                                                                in  research,  co-author  publications
                                                                                and  are  currently  compiling  a  book
                                                                                on modern silviculture technologies
                                                                                in South Africa and Brazil, due for
                                                                                publication in 2025.”

                                                                                  Long-term planning

            can be used to ensure the spacing   as the use of machinery for  residue   Silviculture   requires   long-
            of  plants  meets  the  specifications   management (for example, mulching),   term  planning,  with  pine  trees
            for optimal yield, saving hundreds of   pitting and planting, but many other   taking 20 to 30 years to mature
            human hours.                      areas continue to be done manually   and  eucalyptus  7  to  10  years.
                                              by a dwindling labour force,” he    The  plantation  forests  around
            Mechanisation is key              explains.                           George   are   predominantly
            In 2020, Dr Ramantswana completed    “Forestry is mainly based in rural   pine,  whereas  in  Mpumalanga
            his PhD, which focused on assessing   areas and young people are not   and   KwaZulu-Natal,   the
            the mechanisation status and drivers   always interested in doing labour-  emphasis  is  on  both  pine  and
            of silviculture technologies both   intensive  work;  many  prefer  to   eucalyptus.  Pine  is  used  for
            in South Africa and globally with a   migrate to larger cities to seek other   structural timber such as for
            focus on possible future technology   opportunities.  This  trend  will  drive   structural timber and furniture;
            adoptions in forestry.            greater use of technology in the    eucalyptus  is  mainly  used  for
               “In  South  Africa  we  have   future; however, for now, we have   pulp and paper.
            modernised certain activities, such   an acceptable balance of manual,

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