Page 56 - Thetha Issue 7
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                     Academic Achievers

                     Bite the Big Apple

                                ith a solid grounding   A winning team
                                from Nelson Mandela   After completing her master’s, Diana
                                University, Dr William   moved back to Uganda and lectured
                     WAkoto and Dr Diana              there before marrying William and
                     Kimono  Akoto   headed  across   joining him in the US. The couple had
                     the  Atlantic  Ocean  to  clinch  their   their first child in 2015 and moved to
                     doctorates in political science and   New York City in 2020.
                     public health.                      Diana is now a cancer researcher
                        William started his academic   at the Perlmutter Cancer Center at
                     career with a BSc (Computer Science)   New York University’s Grossman
                     in 2006 before completing his MSc   school of medicine (NYU Langone).
                     (Economics)  cum laude in 2009      “My work involves research in
                     at Nelson Mandela University. He   the  field  of  cancer  immunotherapy,
                     specialised in International Relations   designing  personalised  cancer
                     with a PhD in Political Science from   vaccines for patients on clinical trials.
                     the  University  of  South  Carolina   “I am thrilled to be working at the
                     (USC) in 2019.                   cutting edge of modern medicine
                        Diana also went from bachelor   together with the world’s leading
                     through to master’s at Nelson    scientists  and   pharmaceutical
                     Mandela University, with a BSc   companies   to    design   and
                     (Biochemistry  and  Microbiology)  in   improve  promising cancer vaccines
                     2010, and MSc (Biochemistry) in 2012.   for patients who are enrolled in cancer
                     She also gained her PhD from USC, in   clinical trials.”
                     Public Health, specialising in Immuno-  Diana attributes her position
                     toxicology, in 2020.             today as a highly desirable scientist to
                        While in South Carolina, William   “robust training” in science  and
                     won  a   postdoctoral  fellowship  life skills.
                     at  the University of Denver before   She also remembers a banner
                     being  appointed to his current   on the Embizweni building with
                     position  as  assistant  professor  the  wording   “Umfaneleko”,
                     of political science at Fordham   which  translates  as  “suitable”,  or
                     University in New York City.     “sought after”.
                        “My    highlights  so   far      “Those words have stayed with
                     include  winning a teaching award   me both as a desire and a standard
                     at the University of South Carolina   that I live by to this day.”
                     during my PhD studies, and winning   William  has  equally  positive
                     several grants to fund my research at   memories of Mandela University.
                     Fordham,” he says.                  “My time there was an absolute
                        “I mainly teach courses on    joy. Coming to South Africa as
                     the  politics  of  cybersecurity,  an international student from Ghana,
                     cyber  conflict,  national  security  and   it  was  a home away  from  home  for
                     foreign policy. In terms of research,   me” he says.
                     I combine my computer science and   “I got a  solid foundation in my
                     economics background from my     studies there, I met my spouse and
                     studies at  Mandela with my PhD in   made  several lifelong friends along
                     political  science  to  understand  the   the way – what more can you ask of
                     political economy dynamics of state-  a university?!”
                     sponsored cyber attacks.”

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