Page 47 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 47


                                                                                  20 000+

                                                                                      plant species are
                                                                                      found in South Africa

                                                                           Nelson Mandela University has
                                                                           one of South Africa’s two oldest
                                                                           forestry training institutes –
                                                                           and a groundbreaking project
                                                                           is set to build on its historic
                                                                           foundation  with  a  firmly  21st-
                                                                           century focus on sustainability
                                                                           and entrepreneurship.
                                                                           Heather Dugmore reports.

                  Jobs and Opportunities in

                  Climate Smart Forestry

            T      he   €1-million  Forest21  Stellenbosch University have the   University and the Faculty of Science,
                   project, titled 21st Century
                                                                                with the George Campus serving as a
                                                                                sustainability hub,” explains Director
                                              oldest forestry training institutes in
                   Education for Livelihood
            and Sustainability in South Africa and   South Africa, dating back to 1932. The   of the School of Natural Resource
                                                                                Science & Management and Forest21
                                              three other local institutions involved
            funded by the Erasmus+ programme   in the project are University of Venda,   coordinator, Professor Josua Louw.
            of the European Union, aims to    Fort Cox Agriculture and Forestry   “The School introduced a new
            advance  the quality of education in   Institute and The Tshwane University   BSc (Hons) programme in 2023, with
            the  field  of  sustainable  forestry  and   of Technology.         a  first  intake  of  25  students.  It’s  the
            entrepreneurship through  problem-   From  Finland,  the  participating   main platform for experimenting with
            based learning (PBL) in South African   universities are Häme University of   PBL as a more holistic approach to
            higher education.                 Applied Sciences (HAMK) and Aalto   multi-disciplinarity in the academic
               Nelson Mandela University and   University, with Norway represented   environment.”
            four  other  South  African  higher   by Inland Norway University of
            education institutions that teach   Applied Sciences.               Double benefit
            forestry have joined three Finnish and   “Forest21 is very much part of the   The South African forestry sector
            Norwegian universities on the project.  sustainability vision of Nelson Mandela   is  in a  strong  position to  boost

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