Page 48 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 48


            There are
                   academic societies @
            15 Mandela University

                                              students the principles of the circular   with Prof Louw’s presentation on
                                              economy,  of sustainable  forestry   the socio-ecological systems of the
                                              management, and the potential of new   southern Cape. The theme of the
                                              innovative wood-based bioproducts   student challenge for 2023 deals
                                              that lower the environmental impact   with  the  creation  of  a  climate-smart
                                              of current forestry practices and   forestry production landscape in the
                                              increase carbon sequestration.    southern Cape.
                                                 “Forest21 promotes collaboration   “At the core of the methodology
                                              between academia, industry, society   is  innovation,  learning  research,
                                              and government, while the concept   interviewing  and  communication
                                              of PBL relies heavily on multi-   skills, and transdisciplinary knowledge
                                              disciplinarity, beyond the traditional   creation. The mentors and coaches
                                              boundaries of faculties.”         guide the students through their
                                                 Leading  the  student-directed  critical  thinking  and  help  to  scaffold
                                              learning and teaching approach is   the students’ thinking,” says Prof Louw.
            Dr Joy Alexander                  Dr Joy Alexander, a senior teaching,
                                              learning and curriculum specialist
            employment and entrepreneurship,   from the social sciences at Nelson
            as well as contribute  to mitigating   Mandela University.
            climate change, says Prof Louw – and   “In 2022, the Finnish partners
            this aligns with the United Nations   came out to South Africa and we
            Sustainable  Development  Goals,  did some training together with our
            Africa Agenda 2063 and South      advanced diploma students, some
            Africa’s National Climate Change   of whom are now in the Honours
            Adaptation Plan.                  programme,” Dr Alexander explains.
               Forests are critical for global   PBL accounts for 20% of the
            ecosystems and carbon balances,   Principles of Sustainability in the
            especially because of their potential   Honours  module.  It  is  a  five-week
            to sequester carbon in forests. In its   module in July and August, starting   Prof Josua Louw
            2009  Forest Sector Charter, South
            Africa officially recognised its massive
            potential to sequester carbon through   Real-World Learning
            new afforestation of about 100 000
            hectares (Forest Strategy 2009-2030).   The students are currently working on a three-part challenge to identify
               “This potential has not been     entrepreneurial opportunities for a sustainable, financially viable, equitable
            exploited and principles of sustainable   and resilient forestry landscape.
            forest  management  need  to  be       This  is  a  big,  real-world  question  for  an  honours  student.  To  further
            emphasised to fully benefit from the   assist them, they are exposed to guest speakers and lectures, engage with
            several ecosystem services provided   industry stakeholders, and are coached by Dr Alexander.
            by plantations,” says Prof Louw.       From a leadership perspective the biggest paradigm shift is that there
                                                is not one model answer to solving the challenge; it requires a diverse set
            Future-focused education            of individuals and agents involved in the process, and to apply convergent
               The Forest21 project emphasises   thinking.
            that higher education institutions     The students are excited about this approach, say the academics, but
            should take the lead in preparing   once they start tackling the problem they hit waves of panic about how to
            graduates   for   climate-smart,    approach it, which is natural.
            sustainability-aligned  forestry.      That is where mentorship and coaching comes in. Role-play sessions
            To achieve this, curricula need  to   are held with the students, during which they need to demonstrate their
            include  sector-specific  knowledge   interviewing and research skills and show how they deal with conflict in a
            on sustainable forestry practices   group or lack of response from certain stakeholders.
            and   the  entrepreneurial  skills     They  also  need  to  show  how  to  communicate  the  climate-smart
            required  to  leverage  forestry    problem. In synopsis, they learn to navigate problems, scientifically, socially,
            opportunities, she says.            environmentally and economically.
               This includes teaching forestry

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