Page 42 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 42


               “Our University

               supports human-
               centred digital


              ChatGPT and PedAIgogy

              Applications of AI in academic disciplines and professions   education,  we  should  be  developing  and  assessing
              are  growing  at  a  rapid  rate.  Universities  thus  need  to   critical  thinking  and  problem-solving  in  assessment
              include this in curricula to prepare students for the world   tasks.  Questions,  especially  those  originating  from
              of work.                                           real-world  problems,  which  are  related  to  analysing,
                 ChatGPT, the best-known generative AI tool, poses   evaluating,  comparing,  designing  or  focusing  on
              both a threat and an opportunity for higher education.   transforming existing knowledge, are the foundation
              The  trick  is  to  work  with  innovation,  rather  than    of the competencies needed from HE graduates and in
              against it.                                        the world of work. These answers cannot be Googled
                 The  threat  is  that  dishonest  behaviour  will  grow  as   or generated via ChatGPT.
              students  engage  ChatGPT  to  write  assignments  and   •  Some lecturers are thinking smartly. They are using
              pass  these  off  as  their  own  work.  However,  the  more   ChatGPT to produce more innovative assessment tasks,
              academics engage with ChatGPT, the more they discover   giving students a ChatGPT generated assignment and
              that rather than trying to ban its use (which is close to   asking  students  to  spot  correct  aspects,  distorted
              impossible), they instead find a range of opportunities to   information, flaws, missing facts and references and to
              transform their pedagogy and topics to research.   then rewrite it, for example.
                 In  the  process,  a  new  pedagogy  has  emerged.   •  ChatGPT  helps with language  development.
              PedAIgogy fosters “a new era of knowledge and learning   Students trying to master writing in English can study
              where AI changes everything,” wrote Stephen Downes   ChatGPT  essays,  fostering  a  sense  of  mastery  and
              earlier this year. (Downes, S. 2023).              understanding of structure, key phrases, introductions
                 Examples of PedAIgogical transformation sparked at   and conclusions.
              the University through the arrival of ChatGPT include:   •  Teachable moments.  ChatGPT-generated  essays
                                                                 provided  by  lecturers  can  spark  conversations  about
              •  ChatGPT has prompted serious debates and        the data sources drawn from. This includes discussions
                reflections  in  faculties  on  the  nature  of  questions   about academic integrity and digital ethics, and how
                posed in assessment tasks. The questions currently   to  foster  collaboration  in  verifying  AI-generated
                posed  mostly  focus  on  understanding  and  applying   information. These conversations will help to prepare
                existing knowledge – which is susceptible to student   students for the ongoing challenges and dilemmas
                searches  on  the  internet  or  ChatGPT.  But,  in  higher   related to human-machine interactions.

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