Page 15 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 15


                                                                         renowned choir was founded1994
                                                                       The year the University’s world-

                                                                               “The community kitchens
                                                                             manage the big community
                                                                                          garden, and this
                                                                               can inspire people to see
                                                                              the benefit of having their
                                                                                  own backyard garden”


            Community Kitchens

            to Feed Families

                     elson Mandela University has partnered with the   Its reading club is continuing at the local primary school,
                     Ikhala Trust, a non-profit community grant-maker   with a Funda ambassador from Yizani Sakhe working with
                     and development incubator in the Eastern Cape,   the school. Members have also encouraged households to
           Nto develop community kitchens.                     start their own gardens and they now require seedlings for
               During  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  Ikhala  identified   these square metre gardens.
            existing “soup kitchens” with the purpose of them     The Moeggesukkel group has so far received
            becoming “community kitchens”, which provide much more   permaculture gardening training, seeds and a JoJo tank
            than just meals.                                   from the Interchurch Local Development Agency.
               “We continue to work with four of the six initially   “Unfortunately, the fence that was erected was stolen,
            identified  community  kitchens,”  said  Ikhala  Trust  director   but the members used their creative skills and found an old
            Bernie Dolley.                                     spring mattress and have used that as a temporary measure
               Now Ikhala would like to extend this work, in particular   to protect their plants,” said Dolley.
            with the Moeggesukkel community kitchen in Kariega,   The Ikhala Trust’s signature programme is Asset Based
            Yizani Sakhe in Wells Estate, and Kuyga in Greenbushes.  Community  Development,  which  takes  stock  of  all  the
               Ikhala Trust staff member Unathi Meslane has seen a   financial,  social,  natural,  physical  and  human  assets  that
            ripple effect of the collaboration.                already exist.
               “The community kitchens manage the big community   “This acknowledges that no person or community has
            garden, and this can inspire people to see the benefit of   nothing and helps to build the confidence of individuals and
            having their own backyard garden, where your neighbour   partners to appreciate what they are able to do,” said Dolley.
            is looking at what you are able to produce,” said Meslane.  “We not only provide small grants to qualifying
               The Kuyga food garden, for example, has expanded,   community partners but also mentor and accompany them
            and  the  University’s  Hubs  of  Convergence  have  enabled   on their development journey to achieve their objectives.”
            the purchase of a JoJo water tank for this site. Beetroot,   Supporting the community kitchens of the Nelson
            spinach, spring onions and broccoli were recent harvests.  Mandela Food Systems project therefore means far more
               In Wells Estate, the Yizani Sakhe CK has learnt the skill of   than providing food for a family: it means empowering a
            loom mat making and sells beautiful woven mats.    community to have a broader impact.

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