Page 20 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 20



                                            DAY 1

                      DAY 1
                      Board ferry and cross
                      the English channel
                      to Caen in France

                                                         DAY 2
                                                                                          DAY 4
                                      CAEN                               PARIS            Recovery, and chance
                                                   ÉVREUX                                 to watch the end of
                                                                                          the Tour de France
                                                                DAY 3

            to coordinate group meet-ups. The   three days to cycle from London to     “I knew it was
            small sporting community grew over   Paris,  covering  a  distance  of  395km.
            the pandemic to include members   It  included  3 197m  of  climbing   going to be hard
            in South Africa, Botswana, Australia   and descents.
            and England.                         Once in France, Bongela and her       but it was not
               Then,  when  lockdown  lifted,   squad quickly switched from riding on
            Bafazi  members  were  able  to  visit   the left to the right side of the road,   a race, it was a
            each other’s cities and countries for   soaking up the French countryside.  tour – and I had
            real-life cycling adventures.        On their arrival in Paris, the South
                                              African Embassy invited Bafazi for     planned for it.”
            Bonjour Paris                     lunch.  The  group  was  also  able  to
            For Bongela, the pinnacle has been   watch the final stage of the Tour de
            the London to Paris trip, undertaken   France from a spot on the Champs-
            from 20 to 22 July 2023.          Élysées, rounding up the experience
               “What an incredible experience!”   of a lifetime for the cycling enthusiasts.  Bongela paid for the cycle tour
            she says of the three-day tour.      When people ask her how she    itself from her own pocket and then
               For a start, the South African and   managed to cycle hundreds of   asked  friends,  colleagues and  family
            Botswana  embassies  honoured  the   kilometres in only three days,  Bongela   to donate towards the launch of the
            group by hosting them before they   has a ready answer.             Sports, Arts, and Culture Hub. This
            set off on the epic journey.         “My body was the last thing I   has raised R12 000 so far.
               Under  the  gaze  of  the  large   worried about because  I put in  the   “This money will be used to look
            London Eye, the peleton of 14 Bafazi   work in preparation for the tour. I   at where we can help – and this is only
            women and two Bafazi-supporting   knew it was going to be hard but it   the start,” says Bongela.
            men (Abalandeli), made its way south   was not a race, it was a tour – and I   Going into the future, the
            to  the  coast  before  taking  the  ferry   had planned for it.    University plans to build the Sports,
            across the English Channel to France.  “I would definitely do it again …   Arts, and Culture Hub, linking with
               The Bafazi cycle group took    we’re thinking of Spain or Italy!”  existing hubs where this is relevant.

            18 | Thetha Edition 7 | 2023
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