Page 11 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 11


                                                                       5000 PLUS
                                                                 Food parcels are needed every month but the
                                                               University is currently able to distribute only 1 100

                                                                                              current demand.
                                                                                                Even     with
                                                                                            additional  funding,
                                                                                          she  said,  SHS  was
                                                                                       still  unable  to  supply
                                                                                    to all unfunded students.
                                                                                 Furthermore, those who do receive
                                                                                food parcels report that the hampers
                                                                                do not last a full month.
                                                                                  “The clinic has an online booking
             Growing Need for                                                   system which worked well in the
                                                                                past. However, students waiting for
            FOOD PARCELS                                                        an outcome of their application for
                                                                                funding are unable to book, as the
                                                                                booking system is linked to financial
                                                                                aid. This creates a gap in the booking
                                                                                system,” said Sister Hawkins.
                                                                                  The Faculty of Law offers
                   tudent hunger is a serious   insecurity on different levels.  an Ubuntu pop-up coffee bar where
                   threat to student success     At Mandela University, more than   students are given a free sandwich
                   at universities across the   two-thirds of the student body of   and a hot drink, as long as stocks last.
            Scountry, and Nelson Mandela      31 747 received financial aid in 2022,   Coffee  bar  coordinator  Lindi
            University is exploring all options to   with the rest either funded by their   Coetzee explained how demand has
            address this issue.               families or unfunded.             grown for the simple meal of peanut
               Despite distributing 1 100 food   While there is no direct correlation   butter and jam on two slices of bread.
            parcels every month, the University is   between funding source and student   “It is devastating when the
            struggling to keep up with the need.  hunger, unfunded students whose   sandwiches, tea and coffee are
               In  response,  the  Mandela    families are unable to provide financial   finished, and we must show students
            University Food Systems programme   support are likely to be at greater risk.  away. In the past we could afford to
            established a student hunger sub-    Funded students could also be   have the pop-up coffee bar most
            group in 2022. This aims to tackle   at risk due to administrative errors,   days  of  the  week  but  from  this  year
            student hunger through student-   delayed  payments  or  perhaps    the  need has  increased  to  such an
            centred and sustainable approaches.  receiving funding  that covers tuition   extent that we can only offer it once
               “More students are requesting   but not the cost of daily living.  a week,” said Coetzee.
            assistance with food parcels and the   The distribution of food parcels to   Before COVID-19, the Agriculture
            demand has grown,” said Dr Natalie   unfunded students via Student Health   Department and Higher Health had
            Mansvelt of Social Development    Services (SHS) clinics is part of the   two gardens running, and these are
            Professions.                      University’s response.            being actively resuscitated.
               She said research studies over    According to SHS deputy director,   It is clear that long-term, sustainable
            the  past  10  years  had  confirmed   Sister Althea Hawkins, this short-term   intervention is needed to prevent
            that nearly one-third (30%) of South   strategy provides immediate relief   over-reliance on immediate relief and
            African students struggle with food   to students but is not meeting the   donations.

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