Page 4 - Thetha Issue 7
P. 4


                                    Growing Alumni

                                    Global Footprint

                                    By Director of Alumni Relations, Paul Geswindt

               t  is  fascinating  to  track  the  significant  global  footprint   qualifications  from  Mandela  University,  but  they  must
               of our alumni, and how this contributes to the strength,   naturally only be listed as one person. 23.9% of graduates
               reputation and diversity of our University, and to lifelong   have two qualifications, 3.8% have three qualifications and
           Ifriendships formed, with networks across the globe.   one person has seven qualifications.
               We are incredibly proud of our legacy of alumni from   13  637  qualifications  were  conferred  on  international
            every faculty who have achieved and are achieving in their   students (citizens of countries other than South Africa).
            fields and are sought after in South Africa and around the   LinkedIn is a powerful source in tracing where our alumni
            world. In this issue we’re featuring 24-year-old alumna   are. It is one of multiple platforms we are using, along with
            Almarize Kleu (page 68) who moved to Eindhoven in the   all forms of social media, emails and the alumni network to
            Netherlands a year ago to work for Phillips International.   develop a full global picture. LinkedIn Mandela University
            She shares her journey and we’ll be doing the same with   related connections (December 2023) listed 2 400 for UK,
            alumni all over the world in future issues.        1 700 USA, 1 300 Germany, 1 300 Australia, 702 New Zealand,
               We  are  interested  to  find  out  more  about  what  life  is   541 Botswana, 448 Canada, 390 Zimbabwe,  233 Namibia,
            like for our alumni living living elsewhere, and why our   203 Kenya, 116 Uganda, 93 Saudi Arabia, 82 Nigeria and 47
            international students chose to study at Mandela University.   Vietnam. These figures illustrate that even though we might
            This also helps us with our outreach and marketing.  only have 15 Vietnamese graduates, there are 47 individuals
               Our  statistics  up  to  April  2023  show  that  we  have   on LinkedIn in Vietnam who have a connection to Mandela
            conferred 178 551 qualifications of which 164 908 have been   University or its predecessors. There might even be more
            conferred on South Africans, many now living in countries   graduates living and working in the country, and the various
            around  the  world.  The  178  551  qualifications  have  been   digital platforms now help to show these migration trends.
            conferred on 127 718 individuals. Some alumni have several   We also rely on our alumni to update their profiles and

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