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            CONTENTS                                                    “I never lose. I either

            Global Footprint             Special Award .............................35  win or learn.”
            Across the Oceans ............................. 1  Professor Cheryl Foxcroft  ............... 35  As you dip into the pages of Thetha, please
            Growing Alumni Global Footprint ... 2                       consider these wise words of our namesake,
                                         Alumni Update                  Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
            #MandelaUniversityGiving     Making an Impact ............................ 36  His glass-half-full attitude was, and
            Giving for Social Redress &   Future Focus .................................... 36  continues to  be, a  salve  for the  world’s
            Empowerment ................................... 8  Graduates, We’re Growing! ............ 37  wounds.  It  is  the kind of  encouragement
            Growing Need for Food Parcels ....... 9  Online             and positivity that we all need, regardless
            A Vision for Eco-conscious   AI an Educational Reality ................ 38  of  our  circumstances  or  the  outcome  of
            Greenhouses .................................... 10  Winning Friends,    our dreams.
            Supporting Community Kitchens    Influencing People  .......................... 41  This edition, our seventh, makes
            to Feed Families .............................. 13          us mindful of this. These stories are a
            Donate to Change Lives ................. 15  Sustainability  celebration of highs and lows, setbacks and
            From London to Paris with love ...... 17  Jobs and Opportunities in    comebacks and valuable lessons learned.
                                         Climate Smart Forestry .................... 45
            News                                                           We   hope   that  the  progressive
            Naming & Renaming ....................... 21  Forests of the Future ....................... 47  developments unfolding at Nelson Mandela
            Digital Dome a Multi-Purpose    Architecture                University, along with what our staff, students
            Gift for All ......................................... 22  Agriculture Building Project Bags    and alumni are achieving, will inspire you.
            Expanded University Shop .............. 26  Top Prize ........................................... 50  Behind each of these success stories -
                                                                        be  they  about  infrastructure,  influencers,
            Watch This Space: PhD Research  Partners                    artificial  intelligence,  or  internet  addiction
            Could Physics be Answer for    25 Years of Cooperation.................. 52  - are unwritten losses. These are the
            Eskom Woes? ................................... 28          uncertainties,  anxieties,  and  other
            Measuring Internet Addiction ........ 29  Double Act: Alumni Couples  shortcomings  of  individual  and  collective
            Empowering Muslim Women      Academic Achievers Bite        journeys that may trip us up, but don’t stop
            to Succeed ....................................... 30  the Big Apple ................................... 54  us. We either win or learn. And we do so
            Garlic Boost for Old Tyres ............... 31  Building Dreams .............................. 57
                                         A Passion for Democracy ................ 58  through perseverance.
            Alumni Achiever Awards                                         True achievers just keep on keeping on,
            Ziyanda Ntshona .............................. 32  Humour   because everything will be alright in the
            Willem Bouwer van Rooyen ............ 33  On the International Stage ............. 60  end … and, ‘’if it’s not alright,” to quote
            Anele Siswana .................................. 33  The Power of Humour ..................... 62  an excerpt from the Best Exotic Marigold
            Professor Nosisi Nellie Feza ........... 34  Alumni Features  Hotel, “then it’s not the end”.
            Alumni Rising Star Awards    Water Polo Star Dives into     Debbie Derry
            Awonke Nqayiya .............................. 34  Pharmacy Career.............................. 64  Editor
            Curwyn Mapaling ............................. 35  A woman for all seasons ................. 66
            Sedibu Mohlaba .............................. 35  A New Life in the Netherlands ....... 68

               Publisher: Paul Geswindt
               Editor: Debbie Derry                                      PO Box 77000, Nelson Mandela University,
               Sub-editors: Beth Cooper Howell and Gillian McAinsh          Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), 6031
               Writers: Debbie Derry, Heather Dugmore,                           T +27 41 504 3935
               Beth Cooper Howell and Gillian McAinsh                          E
               Production: Lyndall Sa Joe-Derrocks
               Design: Juliana Jangara
               Photography: Many thanks to all who contributed images to this publication.

               Disclaimer: All information contained herein was correct at the time of going to print. The University cannot be held responsible for any changes or developments that
               may have taken place in the interim.
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